Indian Council for Holistic Health Care

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Welcome to our nonprofit site!

   Observe and talk to the average man or woman in the street and what will you find? He or she would probably look and feel tense, harassed and even frustrated by the problems of living from day to day. Go a little deeper and you are likely to find depression bordering on despair from the uncertainties of life, ill health, lack of confidence to cope with problems, and a sense of inadequacy from being unable to make sense of what is happening to them. A life need not feel like this. In fact, as the highest form of life on Planet Earth, we are born to enjoy a blissful,happy existence. Why then do we have to undergo physical and mental suffering? Is it not because of wrong identification, wrong perceptions, wrong actions, attitudes and thoughts?
  This Planet is changing rapidly with new thoughts,systems and remedies.We have taken a vow to educate people about the happy living with the help of our knowledge and experience.


To promote health care consciousness among the
citizens of India.

To improve the public health in accordance with the
principles of holistic treatment with Alternative
System of Medicines.

To create the harmonious relationship in married
couples as per Indian culture and philosophy to
eradicate social maladjustment and to promote a
healthy and ideal family.

Our Logo

Our Organisation,started in the Eve of New Year 1998 and
Registered In the year 1999 Under Government of India Central Govt. Act.XXI. of 1860

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.

Indian council for Holistic Health Care,Bhubaneswar,Orissa,India